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Creating a project

  • File → New → Project…​

  • In Create Project window set project name (for example picr21-team-<your team name>-mainboard) and select project folder.

Adding schematic file

  • Right click on *.PrjPcb → Add New to Project → Schematic

Adding PCB file

  • Right click on *.PrjPcb → Add New to Project → PCB

Adding schematic library file

  • Right click on *.PrjPcb → Add New to Project → Schematic Library

Adding PCB library file

  • Right click on *.PrjPcb → Add New to Project → PCB Library

Saving project

  • Right click on *.PrjPcb → Save

  • One option to name the files in the project is to use the projects name. For example if project is named picr21-team-one-mainboard.PrjPcb, then schematic would be named picr21-team-mainboard.SchDoc.


  • Press Space while moving objects to rotate them.

  • Press X while moving objects to mirror them in X axis.

  • Press Y while moving objects to mirror them in Y axis.

  • Drag from left to right to select objects that are fully inside the selection box.

  • Drag from right to left to select objects that are at least partially inside the selection box.

Creating components

Creating component footprint

  1. Find a dimensional drawing for the component’s package. Usually package drawings are located at the end of the component’s datasheet.

  2. Open *.PcbLib file.

  3. Tools → IPC Compliant Footprint Wizard…​

  4. Select Component Type (for example PQFP which is used by the recommended microcontroller) and press Next.

  5. Change Overall Dimensions based on the datasheet and press Next.

  6. Change Pin Dimensions based on the datasheet and press Next.

  7. Add Thermal Pad if necessary and press Next.

  8. Use calculated values for Heel Spacing and press Next.

  9. Use default values for Solder fillets and press Next.

  10. Use calculated component tolerances and press Next.

  11. Use Default Values for IPC tolerances and press Next.

  12. Use calculated footprint values for Footprint Dimensions and press Next.

  13. Silkscreen line width can be 0.2 mm. Press Next.

  14. Use defaults for Courtyard, Assembly and Component Body Information and press Next.

  15. Use suggested values for Footprint Description and press Next.

  16. Select Current PcbLib File for Footprint Destination. Select Produce 3D/STEP model to create 3D model of the component. Also select Embedded. Press Finish.

  17. Press Ctrl + S to save the PCB library.

Creating component symbol

  1. Open *.SchLib file.

  2. In Properties panel set

    1. Design Item ID (for example STM32G441KxT)

    2. Designator (for example U?)

    3. Comment (for example STM32G441KxT)

  3. Pins of the symbol can be placed individually with Place → Pin or in a bigger batch with Tools → Symbol Wizard…​

  4. Pin names can be found in the datasheet.

  5. Try to arrange the symbol such that the center of symbol is at 0 coordinates.

  6. Symbols typically have a rectangle in the middle of the symbols, which is created automatically by Symbol Wizard.

    1. A rectangle can be placed with Place → Rectangle

    2. If the rectangle is covering the pins, then it can be moved below the pins with selecting Edit → Move → Send To Back and clicking on the rectangle.

  7. When the symbol is finished, then press Add Footprint

    1. In the PCB Model window press Browse…​ and select the footprint created for the component.

  8. Press Ctrl + S to save the Schematic library.


Placing components

  1. Open *.SchDoc file.

  2. Open Components panel

  3. Select *.SchLib from the dropdown.

  4. Drag the component on the schematic or right click on it and select Place.

  5. Symbols for some other components can be found from Manufacturer Part Search panel.

  6. Symbols for power are available on the top toolbar.

Connecting components

  • Press Ctrl + W or use Place → Wire to activate Wire tool.

Net labels

  1. Select Place → Net label to place net labels.

  2. Place net labels on the wires to change the name of the wire.

    • Wires with the same net labels are connected together.

PCB design

Importing schematic changes to PCB design

  1. Open *.PcbDoc file.

    • Use Design → Import Changes From <your project name>.PrjPcb


  • Open Rules with Design → Rules…​

Changing units

  • Press Q

    • Units can be checked in the bottom left corner.

    • Millimeters are recommended for the PCB.

Changing grid

  • In the schematic document:

    • Press G

    • Active grid is shown at the bottom left next to the coordinates.

    • It’s recommended to use 100 mil grid for components and wires as the symbols are created for that grid size. Sometimes it’s useful to use finer grid when creating schematic symbols or moving reference designators and component values.

  • In PCB layout document:

    • Press G and select suitable grid size from the list.

    • Good grid size for most of the layout is 0.1 mm. 0.025mm might work better for smaller components and thin tracks. 1mm grid is useful for changing board size.

Changing board size

  1. Press 1

  2. Select Design → Edit Board Shape

  3. Press 2 to go back to PCB layout editing.

Opening 3D PCB view

  • Press 3

Hiding rooms

  1. Press L to open View Configuration.

  2. Open View Options tab.

  3. Press on the eye icon next to the "Rooms".

Changing layer stackup

  1. Open stackup editor with Design → Layer Stack Manager…​

Routing traces

  • Press Ctrl + W to start routing.

Repouring polygons

  1. Select Tools → Polygon Pours → Repour All

    • Shortcut: T → G → A