Fully define sketches

Fix warnings in the designs

Prefer feature patterns to sketch patterns

Create design assembly of test thrower and test robot chassis to see how the thrower fits

Make sure that (deformed) ball does not interfere with anything during throw

Use parts that are available in the lab or are easy to buy

Use correct length spacers

Use correct material thickness

Increase thrower rigidity

Consider where the thrower motor wires will run

Reduce wasted material

Add more material to increase rigidity if necessary

Improve wheel roller mounting

Think ahead what screw lengths to use

Use through holes for threads if possible

Use correct drill diameters for threaded holes

Make threaded holes longer so that there is more thread

Prefer threaded holes to nuts

Use correct hole sizes for bolts

Use countersunk screws if necessary or beneficial

Check for interferences

For milled parts use internal corner cutouts (dogbones) if needed

Make sure all the necessary mounting holes have been created

Make sure that the mounting holes are aligned

Make sure that there is enough room to place and remove the batteries

Make sure that the batteries are held in place

Use correct thrower motor hole pattern

Make sure that there is right amount of distance between thrower motor and ramp

Design thrower ramp to be constant distance away from the motor

Make sure that the distance between thrower motor and the floor is only slightly smaller than the ball

Make sure that all the parts can be attached to each other

Add computer power adapter socket cutout

Use correct size cutouts for switches and computer power adapter socket

Create cutouts for wires and cables

Add PCBs/boards to the design

Make sure that there is enough room for electronics and cables

Prefer solid parts to adjustable ones

Consider whether balls can get stuck inside the robot

Make sure that the chassis is not creating too many blind spots for the camera

Make sure that the ball will be centered before the throw

Support wheel rollers from the sides

Avoid wheel rollers from protruding out of the robot

Make parts symmetric if it simplifies assembly

Use appropriate fits

Increase clearance if needed

Avoid adding features that make assembly more complicated

Consider ways to simplify assembly

Design camera RGB sensor to be in the middle of the robot

Consider camera field of view during design

Consider the printing orientation for the parts that will be 3D-printed

Use thicker layers when 3D-printing

Consider the manufacturing method when designing

Avoid modeling threads

Thrower angle adjustment

Thrower grabber


Do not create multiple setups if not needed

Make sure that work zero point is on top of the stock