Coordinate system

omni motion vectors


  • wheelLinearVelocity - m/s

  • robotSpeed - m/s

  • robotSpeedX - m/s

  • robotSpeedY - m/s

  • robotDirectionAngle - rad

  • wheelAngle - rad

  • wheelDistanceFromCenter - m

  • robotAngularVelocity - rad/s

Wheel speed calculation

In meters per second

wheelLinearVelocity = robotSpeed * cos(robotDirectionAngle - wheelAngle) + wheelDistanceFromCenter * robotAngularVelocity

In mainboard units

Mainboard units can be used directly without any conversion to meters per second.

wheelVelocityInMainboardUnits = robotSpeedInMainboardUnits * cos(robotDirectionAngle - wheelAngle) + robotAngularVelocityInMainboardUnits

Using forward and sideways robot speeds

robotSpeed and robotDirectionAngle can be calculated using sideways (x-axis direction) and forward (y-axis direction) speeds:

robotSpeed = sqrt(robotSpeedX * robotSpeedX + robotSpeedY * robotSpeedY)

robotDirectionAngle = atan2(robotSpeedY, robotSpeedX)

Wheel linear velocity in mainboard units

wheelAngularSpeedInMainboardUnits = (wheelAngularVelocity / (2 * PI())) * encoderCountsPerWheelRevolution * pidControlPeriod


wheelAngularVelocity = wheelLinearVelocity / wheelRadius

encoderCountsPerWheelRevolution = gearboxReductionRatio * encoderEdgesPerMotorRevolution

pidControlPeriod = 1 / pidControlFrequency


wheelAngularSpeedInMainboardUnits = wheelLinearVelocity * gearboxReductionRatio * encoderEdgesPerMotorRevolution / (2 * PI * wheelRadius * pidControlFrequency)


wheelAngularSpeedInMainboardUnits = wheelLinearVelocity * wheelSpeedToMainboardUnits

Where wheelSpeedToMainboardUnits is constant and can be calculated once in advance:

wheelSpeedToMainboardUnits = gearboxReductionRatio * encoderEdgesPerMotorRevolution / (2 * PI * wheelRadius * pidControlFrequency)


  • Pololu 37D 19:1 motor

  • 100 Hz PID calculation frequency

  • 70mm diameter wheels

  • gearboxReductionRatio = 18.75

  • encoderEdgesPerMotorRevolution = 64

  • wheelRadius = 0.035 [m]

  • pidControlFrequency = 100 [Hz]

  • wheelLinearVelocity = 2 [m/s]

wheelSpeedToMainboardUnits = 18.75 * 64 / (2 * PI * 0.035 * 100) ≈ 54.5674

wheelAngularSpeedInMainboardUnits = 2 * 54.5674 ≈ 109.1348