Install Linux to a provided computer. Use the provided USB stick. You should choose the simple install and overwrite any existing OS-es.
for both the username and password.
Install Python 3.9 to your linux machine.
A guide can be found here: https://linuxhint.com/install-python-3-9-linux-mint/ -
for python 3.9:sudo apt-get install python3.9-distutils
Install pip3.9 using these commands:
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py python3.9 get-pip.py echo 'export PATH=~/.local/bin/:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
Install a IDE of your choice. Visual Studio Code or PyCharm are good options. Visual Studio Code can be simply installed from the Ubuntu Software app. Later you might want to install python specific plugins for the IDE as well.
Install git.
Use Git to clone the provided example repository to a directory of your choice:
https://github.com/ut-robotics/picr22-boot-camp-programming -
Install the required dependencies using pip:
pip3.9 install opencv-python pyrealsense2 numpy
Familiarise yourself with the provided README file.
Compile the segmentation library as by the instructions. Remember that you need python dev tools to compile code (python3.9-dev and build-essential).
Connect a camera and try running the
files. Both programs can be quit out of by pressingq
when a camera window is active. If you are missing thetkinter
module, you can install it with the following command:sudo apt-get install python3.9-tk
If they work, you can continue to the next step. In case of issues, consult with instructors.